
The CHASE HomePath program will provide a progressive home buyer solution so more individuals and families have a place to call home. We’re here to help you through the process with tools and resources. Ensuring the American Dream!

CHASE HomePath was developed by a team of individuals who have worked in the credit industry for over 30 years combined. They saw the need to help individuals who were less than credit worthy, but wanted to achieve, the American Dream of owning a home.  They realized that Homebuyer education is an important part of the home buying process and this is something you need before you decide to purchase your first home. The will teach you the basic homeownership terms, steps, and strategies so you are prepared to have a positive home buying experience.

CHASE HomePath understands that buying a home is a huge responsibility, it is also a huge opportunity. Before you leap into all of the benefits home ownership, you should her prepared first.

CHASE HomePath provides guidance to individuals and families with the purchase of their new home. Along, with CHASE HomePath home buying educational program and working with our community partners. You will then realize that owning your own home is a reachable goal.


The Chase HomePath team has a goals to develop a successful program homeownership program that will assist thousands with the purchase of a new home.